Sunday, November 2, 2008

what is citizen journalism?

Citizen Journalism is a term that refers to any attempt by people who are not qualified journalists, publishing and reporting the news using modern technology to a wide audience. This usually happens as a regular citizen happens to be among breaking news and captures it or a regular citizen wanting a different angle on a story covered so take it upon themselves to do so. This may include public on line discussions such as blogs, forums and posting photos and self taken videos.

 The advantage is that regular citizens can distribute news and opinions globally to a wider audience. Many qualified journalists believe that citizen journalists don’t understand the ethics involved in reporting the news. However, having one reporter is not as effective in presenting the opinions of a whole society collectively. 

Big news outlet companies have started attaching the knowledge and views of their audiences, using commenting spaces at the end of stories. The internet s certainly the primary reason citizen journalism is successful. Before the internet there were only newsletters and independent newspapers, but now anyone anywhere with internet, is able to share an opinion, a story or an angle about the news.

Rupert Murdoch encourages Gen Y to take advantage of the opportunities on offer as technological change revolutionises the world. Learning with the times


Emily said...

Citizen journalism is amazing, now anyone can have their say.

Unfortunately, the SMH covered a news story about Australia wanting to pass a bill to control the internet. They want to add two filters which, will not only slow down the internet speed by 3%, but also restrict access to webpages, I think it's outrageous to enforce control over something which until now allows complete freedom in western countries.

Sara said...

Citizen journalism has become necessary to the media as well as to the public.

It is crazy to enforce control over the internet. What happened to freedom of speech and democracy???

If the public won’t do something about this the internet won’t be the only thing that the government will ban.